Clarity Words
Kindness is Good Politics
Kindness is Good Politics As I was thinking about today’s topic, two thoughts came up at the same time: kindness and politics. While this seems like an oxymoron, they should always be connected. The practice of politics is not limited to the governmental activities we...
Be Careful. Your Thoughts Travel.
Be Careful. Your Thoughts Travel. A few years ago, Cathy and I went to my hometown in Nebraska for my 50th high school reunion. Our experience provided anecdotal evidence that our thought energy is powerful and can travel long distances. We don’t need a phone or a...
Are You a High Noticer?
Are You a High Noticer? Cathy and I recently attended a storytelling gathering. The purpose was to share personal stories that impacted the spiritual direction of our lives. Most of the stories shared that evening were not Red Sea parting,...
Are You a High Noticer?
Are You a High Noticer? Being a High Noticer means seeing the little things that others miss—the subtle shifts, the unspoken words, the beauty in the ordinary. It’s about paying attention, being present, and genuinely noticing the world around you.
I Saved My Marriage and My Life
Twelve years ago I participated in a Get Clarity™ retreat as a client. Didn’t know it at the time but I was saving my marriage to Cathy before I even asked her. Cathy and I fell in love very quickly and knew we wanted to be together. Then Cathy said, “I have a rule....
Ruthlessness vs. Self Pity
Ruthlessness is the light side of self pity. Seemingly an oxymoron, the use of this word means that you will ruthlessly protect your aliveness. It is like “putting your own oxygen mask on first” in order to stay alive so that you can be in service to yourself and...
Celebration vs. Resentment
Celebration is the light side of resentment. Celebration is the ability to find the positive, no matter how small, in everything and reflecting that back into the world, like a mirror. It is attractive energy. Resentment is behavior that results from holding in...
Playfulness vs. Romance
Playfulness is the light side of romance. Having fun and being light hearted results in a sense of joy and being in the present moment. It is reality based. Romance is defined here as being in fantasy, wishing things to be different than they are, and/or playing the...
Courage vs. Denial
Courage is the light side of denial. It takes courage and honesty to look at the difficult patterns of your own behavior and even more courage to go into action to correct your course. Denial is like “sticking your head in the sand” and results in stagnation. We must...
Effortlessness vs. Overdoing
Effortlessness is the light side of overdoing. When you choose lights-on activities, there is no feeling of overdoing. Instead, you experience flow. You will notice things fall into place with ease. Synchronicity happens. The right people, events and actions appear....