20 Ways To Inspire Employees (One through Ten)
A common Google search asks the question - what are ways to motivate employees. We also hear that same question from our clients. So, we thought we would add our own 20 Ways to Motivate Employees to the dialogue. The first 10 are in this blog and the second 10 will...
SHIFT (Your Thoughts)
Neuroscience has established that you can create new neural pathways in your brain. You have the power to choose your thoughts. The more you use this power of choice, you can rewire the way your brain thinks – permanently.
The Personal Energy Cost of Bad Customer Service
The only thing we have control over is how our thoughts about them impact our own personal energy.
Those who truly manifest what they desire and live passionately with purpose are people who stick to their dream, no matter what stumbling blocks they encounter
The direction of your thoughts creates a feedback loop which signals your body to respond and produce results, either positive or negative
Putting all your energy into forcing the results you want will keep you from seeing a better version of your dream if that’s what appears.
River Map & Guide
As with any long journey you undertake, it helps to know what’s up ahead and around the curve. The same is true for any life journey.
Aligned Action
Aligned action steps are energizing and enlivening. They continue to foster energy and flow and keep you moving in a lively manner to achieve your vision.
Follow a Clear Vision
Allowing yourself to dream, to imagine, and to be fully open to your intuition gives your right brain full rein to do its work.
The Impact of Having Total Clarity In Your Life
To live an energetic life of passion and purpose and peak experiences requires bringing CLARITY into your daily life.