Protecting My Aliveness by Becoming News Free!
For 55 years I’ve been a daily news junkie. Every day I take in information that allows me to experience a wide range of emotions – but mostly sadness and anger at the examples of the human condition reflecting the worst of human nature. It’s all news about events I...
“It Happened for a Reason.”
This has always been a troubling phrase for me. While I believe this is sometimes true, it’s the lack of clarity about the reason that troubles me. For example, one year ago two expensive bikes and a few other items were stolen from our garage. Realizing the romance...
Be Very, Very Careful Opening That Door to Your Past!
As Halloween approaches, the one day each year we actually celebrate scaring the bejesus out of each other, I thought I should warn of a scary door you don’t want to open without total awareness - the door to your past mistakes, regrets and losses. At Clarity, we live...
An Adult Gossip Machine on Steroids
I remember playing the Telephone Game in grade school where a message would be passed along by whisper. The message heard by the last person was radically different than the original. Recently I observed the Telephone Game converted into an Adult Gossip Machine on...
Take a Slice of Perspective Pie
What if I throw a big party and no one comes? What if I start this business and I go broke? What if I go to the audition and they don’t want me? These are examples of what Clarity calls “future-tripping”, creating a worst-case scenario about the future rather than a...
A Scene – Wishing Things Were Different Than They Are
Wishing things were different than they are keeps your focus on what’s wrong or what’s missing. It is a very uncreative, energy-draining place to be. It keeps you from seeing the daily opportunities to create the life you “wish” you had, as the following scene...
Yes, You Can Work with a Prima Donna
According to Wikipedia, prima donna “has become a mainstream word outside opera to often describe a vain, undisciplined, egotistical, obnoxious or temperamental person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team but whose contributions are...
I Have My Portia
For a period of time in the early 80’s I owned what I consider to be the best car in the world – a Porsche 911. During this time of pure, adrenaline driving joy, I acquired a bakers dozen speeding tickets in five states. (Hey, remember the speed limit was reduced by...
It Takes an Individual to Collaborate
Working with organizational teams, family teams and partnerships, there is one desire we hear more than any other – we would like to be more collaborative. When we help them design their shared vision, collaboration is always an element. Teams and families that...
Shock and Aw, Do I Have to Be Alone to Think?
A recent study by researchers at University of Virginia and Harvard published July 4th, in the journal of Science, found that many people would rather be doing something, including hurting themselves, than be alone with their thoughts. In one experiment two-thirds of...