Your Energy Has Influence!
The Law of Attraction says that the positive or negative thoughts you send to your world will attract the same. Like attracts like – except when it doesn’t. Projecting positive energy can actually push away people who seem to personify negative thinking. For the sake...
I Don’t Trust You
The Course of Miracles says: “Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.” Although I’m trying to make this my new theme song rather than “Here Comes the Judge”, I will take the focus of this blog in another direction then my own...
Dogs Almost Always Live Above-the-Line
Last week I mentioned my challenge of faith in bringing more effective thinking into my own life. Several people responded with ideas and comments. One from my friend, Rich, gave me the title to this message. I live with three dogs. Two are four legged and furry. One...
A Lack of Faith
For the past few months, I’ve been dealing with what I have come to call a lack of faith. It’s a lack of faith in my ability to actually improve my approach to life by changing my thoughts. By wallowing in this ineffective thinking, I end up doing my spiritual...
Your Team Energy Assessment
A team – this includes family as well – functions most effectively when all of the team members are willingly contributing and are aligned with the common values and common purpose. This Team Energy Assessment is a tool to discover where your team may be draining...
Your Own Personal Energy Assessment
It's important for living a lights-on life to stay conscious so you recognize when you have a need to shift "something" negative to something positive. To be effective, it's important to have a grasp of what that "something" thought is. It's not always clear. This...
Five Techniques for Powerful Collaboration and Partnering
Frequently when Cathy and I do a presentation someone will mention how we project such a strong partnership. More than one person has said they wanted to pursue Clarity training so they could create the same partnership energy in their marriage or their work team....
Luxuriating in My Lethargy
For me, this time of year – winter – has always been a time of low energy, withdrawal, and depressing dark clouds in my own mind as well as outside. (See S.A.D. is My Muse). When the days are short and the light level is diminished, I am attacked by very low energy,...
Focusing on T & A in 2014
I'm almost always content with my present life when I'm not regretting my past or worrying about my future. It amazes me sometimes how consistently I leave the contentment of the present to time travel. When I realize I’m past or future tripping, my first reaction is...
Create Your Most Expansive 2014
Refresh and Reflect Whether you take a week, a day or even a few hours every year, it is important to use the time to reflect on what you have achieved toward your vision and set your intention for the coming year. One approach that we find to be very effective is to...