#@%‼& CLOUD
Mutts All material © 2012 Patrick McDonnell. Every day of my life, I do the work I love to do; the work I believe I was meant to do; work that serves a purpose in the world and serves the personal growth of myself as well as others. I get to do that every day. And...
Clutter Free is Energy Positive
My favorite author, Anne Lamont, says in her book, Travelling Mercies, Some Thoughts on Faith, “sometimes grief looks like narcolepsy”. To paraphrase – sometimes my approach to writing looks like narcolepsy. I sit down to write something intelligent with a little...
Are You a High Noticer?
Cathy and I recently attended a story telling gathering. The purpose was to share personal stories that had an impact on the spiritual direction of our lives. The majority of the stories shared that evening were not Red Sea parting,...
Kindness and Politics
As I was thinking about a topic for this week’s blog, two thoughts came up at the same time – kindness and politics. While this seems like an oxymoron, I contend they should always be connected. The practice of politics is not limited to the governmental activities we...
Be Careful, Your Thoughts Travel
Last week Cathy and I went to my hometown in Nebraska for my 50th high school reunion. While my thoughts and memories approaching this weekend could be excellent fodder for this blog, we had an experience that provides some anecdotal evidence that our thought energy...
Worst Case Scenario; Another Worry Wasted
I’ve spent the past 24 hours worrying about something that was not real. I didn’t even try to shift my thinking to trusting in a different outcome, even though I recognized that I didn’t have all the information. I just “knew” my fear of what was happening was real....
I’m a Dreamer and Not the Only One!
“You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one.” Imagine, John Lennon. One of the primary tools for creating a life pulsating with vitality and vigor is to have a big vision, a big dream for creating the life you want; then holding on to that dream no matter...
Using a Lights-On Clue to Guide Daily Decisions
Driving my Miata on a warm Colorado day last week, top down, wonderful sound of the exhaust in my ears, reminded me of a very important element in living every day with a positive attitude. Do something that lights me up. Every day! Use that energy to frame everything...
Dedication or Sabotage?
I’m questioning my capacity to be dedicated to the things I know improve my life. In Clarity speak dedication is demonstrated by my willingness to commit to and participate fully to a choice. One year ago I committed to a choice to use daily all the Clarity tools and...
Up Until Now
A recent team retreat we facilitated was with a team who had been together a long time. They definitely knew each other’s weaknesses and strengths as well as they knew their own. The business owner had committed to having an open dialogue with his team on how they...