Lucky Coincidence or Guiding Angels?
I love how my life provides frequent lessons on the fine line between the spiritual and the real. These lessons sometimes slap me up side the head; other times they require me to be very attentive or I will miss them. A few weeks ago my optometrist said it was time...
Appreciate the Moment – If the President can do it…
Like all of you, I’ve had many wonderful experiences in my life. Looking back, I remember them with much fondness and joy. And, here’s the truth – many of these experiences are more vibrant in my memory than when I was experiencing the reality. I wasn’t always fully...
Mind Tripping to Bleakness; Finding Sweet Honey
As I was falling asleep last night, my mind decided that it was an opportune time to travel down memory lane - not to visit the many wonderful memories, but to remind me of my past mistakes – decade by decade, relationship by relationship, financial decision by...
The Reclining Collaborative
Observing democracy in action, we seldom hear the words collaboration or participate fully in the process. We do hear the word compromise, usually with the word no in front of it. It’s no wonder; compromise for the sake of compromise generally means that neither party...
Consciousness is not for sissies!
At this time of year many of us do reflect on our personal growth and what growth goals we want for the coming year. Others apparently want to avoid introspection at all costs. I recognize the condition having spent much of my earlier life in not just avoidance but...
Always Take the Best View
Always Take the Best View Last week I began writing a blog about always taking the best view of any situation or event. I was intending to use some humorous examples from my personal experience. And then another inexplicable human tragedy happened in a grade school in...
Reflect on 2012; Envision 2013
Refresh and Reflect Whether you take a week, a day or even a few hours every year, it is important to use the time to reflect on what you have achieved toward your vision and set your intention for the coming year. One approach to reflective retreat that we find to...
I’m Late, I’m Late and it is All Your Fault
I don’t know if it’s maturity or training or letting go, but I no longer get uptight waiting for my wife to get ready to leave the house. As I was waiting for Cathy the other evening – calmly – I remembered that this wasn’t always so. In the past, when other people...
Glass Breaks and Immaturity is Ageless
It is early morning. I haven’t had my coffee so I’m half awake and a little grumpy. The dogs are awaiting a treat and the lid on the antique glass jar is stuck. So, I decided a little tap on the counter would help. Actually, it was more of a frustrated, pounding on...
Negativity Can Make You Dumb!
As if aging isn’t enough of a worry, now I have to quit complaining or worry about impacting Cathy’s intelligence. A recent online article mentioned that research shows that exposure to too much complaining can actually make you dumb....