Lighten Up; It’s Just Pressure
I glanced at my to-do list this morning and realized that I was so far behind that for many of the items on the list, the ink was faded from age. Then I felt pressure – the pressure of not doing enough, not being smart enough, not working hard enough, not being more...
Trust Drives Out All Fear
At a recent gathering of Clarity alums, Marcia Donziger, Founder of talked about the power of Trust. Trust drives out all fear is what Marcia kept repeating to herself as she was hanging 32 floors above downtown Denver. (You may want to enlarge this...
Are You Caught in Your Own Traffic Jam?
John is driving his car through a tunnel during rush hour. As he’s half way in, his engine begins to stutter and cough. His car finally jerks to a stop and traffic begins to build up behind him. He keeps trying to re-start the car, feeling anxious knowing that cars...
The Dog Says No!
On my daily walk I’ve noticed a few of my neighbors have put out signs to encourage people to pick up after their dogs. As a responsible dog owner and being married to a master landscape artist, I am fully aware of the frustration and disgust when I have to pick up...
It’s All in Your Perspective
You know that changing your thoughts can change your reality. I want to advance the awareness that changing your perspective can add joy to that reality. I was reminded of this perspective recently. A cool little consulting assignment I’ve had for some time changed...
Listening to a Random Thought
Living in the present, expressing gratitude for the future, while honoring perspective from the past. This phrase literally popped into my mind recently and my first reaction was – What does it mean? Why did it suddenly appear so clearly into my brain? Cathy says...
Grumpy is as Grumpy Does
Last week I had to renew my driver’s license. Since I hadn’t been paying attention, it was past the expiration date, so I needed to visit the local DMV. While waiting for my name to be called, I looked at my photo on the old license. I’ve had to live with this...
Being Intentional with Your Thoughts and Energy is the Cat’s Meow
“Cat’s Meow” – something that is truly too cool for words Lori is a homeopathic veterinarian. She is a true animal lover and understands more than the average person her capacity to communicate with animals. The other day, she also learned the amazing power of using...
The “Woe is Me” Energy Drain (or I wish things were different then they are)
Last month Cathy and I spent several days in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Cathy was attending a 4 day workshop; I was relaxing, surrounded by red rock beauty. During these separate experiences, we each pondered on the same idea – the power of our thoughts to create our...
20 Ways to Inspire Employees (Eleven through Twenty)
This is the continuation of our list on how to inspire employees we began in last week’s blog. We want to restate our belief that if you want peak performances from your employees, you first need to create peak experiences for each and every employee. Everyone does...