by Gary | Jul 22, 2013 | Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life, Energy Work
My favorite author, Anne Lamont, says in her book, Travelling Mercies, Some Thoughts on Faith, “sometimes grief looks like narcolepsy”. To paraphrase – sometimes my approach to writing looks like narcolepsy. I sit down to write something intelligent with a little...
by Gary | Jun 11, 2013 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Business, Clarity in Life, Energy Work, Intention, Leadership, Uncategorized
As I was thinking about a topic for this week’s blog, two thoughts came up at the same time – kindness and politics. While this seems like an oxymoron, I contend they should always be connected. The practice of politics is not limited to the governmental activities we...
by Gary | Apr 17, 2013 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life
Driving my Miata on a warm Colorado day last week, top down, wonderful sound of the exhaust in my ears, reminded me of a very important element in living every day with a positive attitude. Do something that lights me up. Every day! Use that energy to frame everything...
by Gary | Apr 9, 2013 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Intention
I’m questioning my capacity to be dedicated to the things I know improve my life. In Clarity speak dedication is demonstrated by my willingness to commit to and participate fully to a choice. One year ago I committed to a choice to use daily all the Clarity tools and...
by Gary | Mar 4, 2013 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life, Creating the Rest of Your Life, Energy Work, Intention
I love how my life provides frequent lessons on the fine line between the spiritual and the real. These lessons sometimes slap me up side the head; other times they require me to be very attentive or I will miss them. A few weeks ago my optometrist said it was time...
by Gary | Dec 30, 2012 | Align Your Actions, Clarity in Life, Clarity In Vision
At this time of year many of us do reflect on our personal growth and what growth goals we want for the coming year. Others apparently want to avoid introspection at all costs. I recognize the condition having spent much of my earlier life in not just avoidance but...