by Gary | Dec 17, 2012 | Acceleration, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity Check-In, Clarity in Business, Clarity in Life, Clarity In Vision, Gratitude, Intention
Refresh and Reflect Whether you take a week, a day or even a few hours every year, it is important to use the time to reflect on what you have achieved toward your vision and set your intention for the coming year. One approach to reflective retreat that we find to...
by Gary | Sep 11, 2012 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life, Intention, Uncategorized
It is early morning. I haven’t had my coffee so I’m half awake and a little grumpy. The dogs are awaiting a treat and the lid on the antique glass jar is stuck. So, I decided a little tap on the counter would help. Actually, it was more of a frustrated, pounding on...
by Gary | Sep 4, 2012 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Clarity in Business, Clarity in Life, Energy Field, Energy Work, Intention, Uncategorized
As if aging isn’t enough of a worry, now I have to quit complaining or worry about impacting Cathy’s intelligence. A recent online article mentioned that research shows that exposure to too much complaining can actually make you dumb....
by Gary | Sep 1, 2012 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Clarity in Business, Clarity in Life, Intention, Leadership, Lights-On Leadership, Rapid Discovery
I glanced at my to-do list this morning and realized that I was so far behind that for many of the items on the list, the ink was faded from age. Then I felt pressure – the pressure of not doing enough, not being smart enough, not working hard enough, not being more...
by Gary | Jun 1, 2012 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Clarity in Life, Uncategorized
On my daily walk I’ve noticed a few of my neighbors have put out signs to encourage people to pick up after their dogs. As a responsible dog owner and being married to a master landscape artist, I am fully aware of the frustration and disgust when I have to pick up...
by Gary | May 17, 2012 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Clarity in Life, Energy Work, Intention, Uncategorized
You know that changing your thoughts can change your reality. I want to advance the awareness that changing your perspective can add joy to that reality. I was reminded of this perspective recently. A cool little consulting assignment I’ve had for some time changed...