Intention: I Am.
Positive self talk allows an individual to invest in their vision, their dream. Play around with these sentence starters as a way to focus the investment in yourself.
Positive self talk allows an individual to invest in their vision, their dream. Play around with these sentence starters as a way to focus the investment in yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson summed it up best, “We become what we think about all day long.” The more attention you give something, the more it grows.
What do you want to create in your life? Build it first in a vision board, then watch the means to your dream show up.
Our mind is centered and under our direction, we have a new idea growing, now let’s watch the fun begin. The art of letting go really is the heart in the Law of Attraction.
As you begin to follow ans share your vision, look for positive feedback rather than friendly advise to help guide your journey.
One person holding positive energy of 500 Mhz of conscious, positive thought can counterbalance 750,000 people below 200.