Negativity Can Make You Dumb!
As if aging isn’t enough of a worry, now I have to quit complaining or worry about impacting Cathy’s intelligence. A recent online article mentioned that research shows that exposure to too much complaining can actually make you dumb....It’s All in Your Perspective
You know that changing your thoughts can change your reality. I want to advance the awareness that changing your perspective can add joy to that reality. I was reminded of this perspective recently. A cool little consulting assignment I’ve had for some time changed...Being Intentional with Your Thoughts and Energy is the Cat’s Meow
“Cat’s Meow” – something that is truly too cool for words Lori is a homeopathic veterinarian. She is a true animal lover and understands more than the average person her capacity to communicate with animals. The other day, she also learned the amazing power of using...Recognizing Your Shadow
Fear is a big one and breeds anxiety, guilt, attachment, doubt, and negative self beliefs. When digging out your shadowy side in order to shine light upon it, you can more easily find it by asking these questions:
Rapid Recovery
You recognize your energy is drained, now what? Rapid recovery calls for strategies that bring you back to a positive energy state of mind.