Your Own Personal Energy Assessment
It’s important for living a lights-on life to stay conscious so you recognize when you have a need to shift “something” negative to something positive. To be effective, it’s important to have a grasp of what that “something” thought...Shtop Thinking Negatively; Shtart Thinking Positively
There is certain logic to the last frame of this cartoon. However, the advice should be to Shtop Thinking Negatively and Shtart Thinking Positively. The more negative thoughts you have the more negative thoughts you will have. It is a self perpetuating process....Lighten Up; It’s Just Pressure
I glanced at my to-do list this morning and realized that I was so far behind that for many of the items on the list, the ink was faded from age. Then I felt pressure – the pressure of not doing enough, not being smart enough, not working hard enough, not being more...Rapid Discovery
A honed self-observation system brings about great awareness and therefore more affective rapid discovery. Pay attention to the following cues when discovering those draining energies.