Daily Evaluation: What Worked, What Didn’t?

by | Sep 8, 2010 | Clarity in Business

Ask yourself, in the past 24 hours, in your own performance, what worked and what didn’t work. You can comment on your own performance only. This is very important. The underlying intention of this part of the check-in is to remove judgment and criticism from your personal field. Commenting on occurrences or other peoples’ participation in your day does not answer the question, what worked in my own performance? How did I react or behave in the world that served me well? What did not?

Doing this non-judgmental evaluation of your own performance each day is similar to what athletes do in watching game films to see where they can improve their performance. It is merely looking factually at the results without blame, judgment or criticism.

Focus equally on what did work and what didn’t work. You will begin to see a pattern in what doesn’t work, and you can then develop strategies to change that performance.

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