Energetic Feedback

by | Mar 30, 2015 | Energy Work

Lifetimes of teachers and sages have done their best to bestow certain truths upon humanity.  Ernest Holmes said it well when he noticed, “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” Every interaction you have both leaves some of your information behind and takes some new information in.  As you change and shift throughout lifetime of interactions, your thoughts about yourself and the world change and shift.  Your personal energy field will attract unique ideas and experiences to match your thoughts.  We call this feedback in their new book, Get Clarity: The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work.

Feedback helps explain why above the line words, thoughts, and deeds are so important to keep in mind as we flow down the river to our vision.  And helps remind us why keeping positive thoughts about our business and life endeavors rather than negative is paramount.

Gauge the feedback cycle in your life, when you want to know if experiences are inline with your intention.  Ask yourself, then observe for the following information:

Is Acceleration Present?  If life keeps handing you exactly what you need when you need it, you’re functioning above the line and maintaining an enthusiastic personal field.  If you find eddy and blocks, look for the leak or hole these experiences are getting in on.

Am I Clear in My Vision and Passion?  Does your vision board match your thoughts or do your thoughts about the vision change and morph a lot?  There’s a difference between evolving the vision and being wishy-washy with uncertainty.  Look closely and notice where you fit.  Ideally, your thoughts and actions will match that which you’ve outlined on your vision board.

Do I Envision the Best and Most Successful Outcome?  When you daydream about the future at journey’s end, do you see yourself wrapped in success with a smile on your satisfied face?  We hope so.  Eliminate worry and fear from your mind – only allow yourself to see the fabulous outcome you know you deserve.

Bonus 1 Get Clarity: The Lights-On Guide To Manifesting Success in Life and WorkGet Clarity® – The Book

Get Clarity® eliminates clarity amnesia, setting up a new way to live, work, love and play. It is a systematic guide to a life methodology that creates and fuels vibrant living, energetic relationships and enlivening work.

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  • Do you lose energy and focus as you move towards your vision?
  • Are you an intentional journeyer or an accidental tourist in your own life?

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