I’m almost always content with my present life when I’m not regretting my past or worrying about my future.  It amazes me sometimes how consistently I leave the contentment of the present to time travel. When I realize I’m past or future tripping, my first reaction is to say to myself, STOP IT (See Bob Newhart).

Although this can work as a quick reminder mantra, a little more attention and commitment is required to be most effective. If you’ve been reading these blogs, you know I spend a lot of time working on my own negative thinking. Paying attention and practicing my techniques has been very helpful, and contributed to a more energized 2013.

As I look forward to my vision of a fully lights-on 2014, my primary intention is to keep my focus on more positive Thoughts and Actions. (What did you think I meant by t & a?) I’ve set a similar intention in prior years with varying degrees of success. This year, I believe I have a great idea for improving my success.

Aging dogs may or may not learn new tricks but they do have muscle memory for the tricks they know worked before.  Fifteen years ago I learned many spiritual tricks (rituals) and concepts that worked during a time of self-induced trauma in my life. Learning and applying these rituals converted a very difficult time into one of the highlight periods of my life. Everything I learned and practiced then helped me create the life I’m presently content with.

For the past ten years I’ve studied, taught, practiced and helped create the tools of the Get Clarity Operating System™. Since these tools are based on a combination of spiritual truths, behavioral study, brain science and cellular biology, I’ve become a bit lazy about further exploration. I don’t take the time to study and review the supporting disciplines and explore other thought changing approaches. I need a continuing education program to keep my daily practices working.

I’m creating a daily study schedule on my calendar – at least 1 hour per day. Here are a few of the things I will be studying in 2014.

The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes

Crossing the Unknown Sea, David Whyte

The Course of Miracles, Helen Schueman

E Squared, Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments, Pam Grout

Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith, Anne Lamont (actually, anything by Anne Lamont)

Ask and It Is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Essential Rumi, Translations by Coleman Banks

The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin

Get Clarity, The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work, Cathy and Gary Hawk

What will you be doing to keep your mental attention positive in 2014? What will you be studying?

Immersing myself in learning,


Bonus 1 Get Clarity: The Lights-On Guide To Manifesting Success in Life and WorkGet Clarity® – The Book

Get Clarity® eliminates clarity amnesia, setting up a new way to live, work, love and play. It is a systematic guide to a life methodology that creates and fuels vibrant living, energetic relationships and enlivening work.

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