Follow a Clear Vision

by | Jan 25, 2012 | Clarity In Vision

Every journey is best guided by having a clear vision for what you want to create.  In our work we meet people who have reached a stage of success in their life and are looking for a new vision, a new passion. Others have a vision they are passionate about and yet somehow seem to lose focus on making it happen. And, there are others who feel like they don’t have a clue what they want.

Developing a vision for your life doesn’t have to be complicated.  It is merely imagining the ideal work and the ideal life you want.  It does require taking time for self reflection and contemplation.  What lights you up?  What relationships energize you?  If you could design you ideal day (and we believe you can) what would you be doing from the time you awaken until you sleep?

Start dreaming.  To create a vision for your life that is driven by passionate energy, you have to exercise your right brain.  Dreaming works from the right hemisphere. While the left brain is linear in processing information, the right brain is holistic. It sees the big picture; the left brain handles the details. The right brain is visual, dealing in images. Its mode of knowing is intuitive, while the logical left brain sticks to the facts. Allowing yourself to dream, to imagine, and to be fully open to your intuition gives your right brain full rein to do its work.

A clear vision of any aspect of our lives is nothing more than a collection of what we call lights-on clues of what energizes us.  Begin to pay attention to all of the lights-on thoughts, activities and relationships that appear.  Keep a list of these clues and they will begin to form a clear vision for all aspects of your life.  These clues are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that when assembled help us form the bigger, more expansive picture of our vision.

So, dream big and let your most expansive vision guide you.

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