High Noticing vs. Habituation

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Clarity Words

eyes beautiful-2315_1920High Noticing is the light side of Habituation. High noticing is the ability to have your eyes wide open, being fully aware and conscious as you look for what is new and different. High noticing helps you stay curious and open to new strategies, behaviors and energy. Habituation is patterned behavior always looking from a viewpoint of “it’s always been done this way so why change, or it would be impossible to change.” This results in stagnation and lack of creativity.

Awareness is empowering.    -Rita Wilson

To me, living in the present means being aware of your conscious choice to focus on the past, present or future – it is not necessarily having to focus on the present.                   –Bo Bennett

Questions to ask

  • What is new and different today?
  • What am I curious about?
  • What am I fully aware of right now?
  • Am I doing something out of habit versus being open to another way?
  • How does curiosity, visionary, innovation, intuitive, manifesting and clarity relate to high noticing?
  • What does high noticing feel like energetically? Notice it: experience that feeling.


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