Intention: Think Ahead vs. Worry Ahead

by | Jun 1, 2011 | Align Your Actions

Let’s work under a premise that sages, spiritual leaders, and the intellectually enlightened have been telling us for thousands of years.  Ralph Waldo Emerson summed it up best, “We become what we think about all day long.”  The more attention you give something, the more it grows.  The thoughts and ideas streaming through our heads take on a whole new dimension when viewed from this premise.  We should not waste one more minute deliberating doubt, uneasiness, or apprehension.   These are all forms of worry and stories that we tell ourselves, which do not move us successfully forward.

Maura had a successful real estate career and knew her business well.  However, mistakes happen even in the midst of good intentions and Maura made a costly mistake for one of her former clients.  She admitted fault and tried her best to make it better, but her client would not accept reparations and threatened legal action.  Maura fretted and worried incessantly for two days.  Then Maura changed her mind.   She recognized what went wrong and chalked it up to experience.  As for her former client, Maura envisioned a calm, peaceful outcome.  She purposely and frequently reviewed all the good interactions she had with this client before the relationship went sour.  “This woman was in a position to make my life very difficult.  I had to remain humble.”  The instant she found herself leaning towards worry, Maura immediately sent out a good thought to this client.  “In my mind, she converted into a close friend rather than potential enemy.  I wished her all the best, much as I do with all my friends.”  Months passed and now years have passed without any litigious actions against Maura.  “Now whenever I think of my mistake and that client, I send her a silent ‘thank you.’  I am so grateful she chose a peaceful resolution.”

Thinking ahead is different from worrying ahead.  Intention sprouts and grows under the mind’s command, making thoughts and ideas very powerful, therefore making humans very powerful.   Forward thinking entrepreneurs continually make bridge plans or set intentions with rapt attention to the words they use both aloud and silently.  There is little room for doubt and worry when only successful visions are allowed.

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