Innovation versus Imitation

Innovation is the light side of imitation. Innovation means taking a look at a possibility with a fresh perspective and seeing a way that it can be improved upon. Imitation is repetition of old patterns. It results in a lack of creativity. An innovation is one of...

Feedback versus Gossip

Feedback is the light side of gossip.  Intra-personal feedback is a natural phenomenon. It is the human system responding to information from the environment, for example if you get cold you shiver. Likewise, inter-personal feedback works best when it mimics a natural...

Aging Reflections

I am officially beginning my eighth decade on what Cathy terms “Earth University.” After reviewing some sixteen-year-old journal notes, I realize I’ve come a long way in my personal growth and self-understanding in the last couple of decades. On the other hand, I’m...

Acknowledge versus Advising

Acknowledgment is collegial and appreciative, recognizing others for their achievements. Advising is telling and non-inclusive. So often, leaders take performance for granted….after all, employees are shown appreciation by getting a pay check and keeping their...