Collaboration versus Competition

Collaboration is the light side of competition. Collaboration uses the energy of contribution to move a system to wholeness. It signifies a team approach. Competition uses the energy of self importance and signifies an individual approach. Within organizations and...

Vitality versus Entropy

Vitality is the light side of entropy.  Vitality means aliveness.  It is lights-on systems with a focus on reorganization, expansion and growth for personal, family and business systems. Entropy means loss of aliveness, lights-off systems with a focus on...

Aging Reflections

I am officially beginning my eighth decade on what Cathy terms “Earth University.” After reviewing some sixteen-year-old journal notes, I realize I’ve come a long way in my personal growth and self-understanding in the last couple of decades. On the other hand, I’m...

Modeling Versus Evaluating

Modeling is the light side of evaluation. Modeling opens opportunities to communication and experimental learning. This direct experience creates a perspective from the inside out. The active experience of modeling gives the opportunity to acknowledge what worked and...

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