Your Team Energy Assessment
A team – this includes family as well – functions most effectively when all of the team members are willingly contributing and are aligned with the common values and common purpose. This Team Energy Assessment is a tool to discover where your team may be draining...20 Ways to Inspire Employees (Eleven through Twenty)
This is the continuation of our list on how to inspire employees we began in last week’s blog. We want to restate our belief that if you want peak performances from your employees, you first need to create peak experiences for each and every employee. Everyone does...The Art of Release
Acceleration towards a successful vision can benefit from the art of release. The ability to let go of old ideas, beliefs, and patterns is immensely helpful to attaining your vision faster.
Getting Your Groove On
Getting a business off the ground or even to the next level needs a modicum of movement. Both veteran entrepreneurs and newbies alike have experienced a lull in momentum. However, true acceleration, where everything coalesces building speed towards the vision, begins with a first step.