by Gary | Jan 5, 2011 | Align Your Actions, Clarity In Vision, Creating the Rest of Your Life
Choice points occur from moment to moment, like being at a crossroad and deciding to take one path over another. Approaching these choice points in your life with awareness is essential when manifesting your true path.
by Gary | Dec 29, 2010 | Clarity in Business, Energy Work, Leadership, Lights-On Leadership
When you lead with a passionate vision for the future of your business, sharing your vision with your team is critical for success
by Gary | Dec 22, 2010 | Clarity in Life
This year, give the gift of your presence along with your packages by remembering to check in with yourself daily.
by Gary | Dec 15, 2010 | Energy Work
Achieve your intentions by actively practicing your desires everyday.
by Gary | Sep 8, 2010 | Clarity in Business
Do a daily evaluation of what worked and what did not in your own personal performance. This will help identify patterns and prompt change.