Integrity versus Division

Integrity is the light side of division.  Integrity means that all actions align with personal and organizational vision, like the saying: “walking your talk” or “what you see is what you get.” Integrity results in purposeful behaviors and a spirit of togetherness. ...

Clarity versus Obscurity

Clarity is the light side of obscurity.  Clarity results in focused and directed action. A spirit of clarity results in ease and comfort. Obscurity results in scattered and undirected action. That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity,...

Intention versus Ambiguity

Intention is the light side of ambiguity.  Intention is clear and understandable. The result of intentionality is a spirit of trust. Ambiguity is unclear. The result of ambiguity is a lack of trust. He who climbs a cliff may die on the cliff, so what? Always a...

Compassion versus Suspicion

Compassion is the light side of suspicion.  Compassion means having an open heartedness. There is an absence of judgment or criticism, and a presence which accepts differences. A compassionate viewpoint focuses upon looking for “what works here; what doesn’t work...

Force versus Pressure

Force is the light side of pressure. Force means focused energy directed from an internal source, very much like the light saber used by Luke Skywalker in the movie, Star Wars. In the same movie, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s now famous line, “May the force be with you,”...

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