Innovation versus Imitation

Innovation is the light side of imitation. Innovation means taking a look at a possibility with a fresh perspective and seeing a way that it can be improved upon. Imitation is repetition of old patterns. It results in a lack of creativity. An innovation is one of...

Recreation versus Spoil The Game

Recreation is the light side of Spoiling the Game. Recreation and having fun creates a desire to participate with fluidity. Spoiling the game comes from a sense of inadequacy and fear. It creates resistance and stifles team performance. Leave all the afternoon for...

Safety versus Intimidation

Safety is in the light side of intimidation. Safety implies that people can be real. They can learn and grow in an atmosphere where their knowledge and contributions are valued. It is based in trust as opposed to intimidation which is based in fear. “I could not...

Service versus Dictatorial

Service is the light side of dictatorial behavior. An attitude of service required focus on a vision bigger than oneself, and acknowledges the contribution of others. Dictatorial behavior is focused on oneself to the exclusion of others. “Whoever renders service...

SHIFT (Your Thoughts)

Neuroscience has established that you can create new neural pathways in your brain. You have the power to choose your thoughts. The more you use this power of choice, you can rewire the way your brain thinks – permanently.

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