Celebration vs. Resentment

Celebration is the light side of resentment. Celebration is the ability to find the positive, no matter how small, in everything and reflecting that back into the world, like a mirror. It is attractive energy. Resentment is behavior that results from holding in...

Effortlessness vs. Overdoing

Effortlessness is the light side of overdoing. When you choose lights-on activities, there is no feeling of overdoing. Instead, you experience flow. You will notice things fall into place with ease. Synchronicity happens. The right people, events and actions appear....

Dedication vs. Defiance

Dedication is the light side of defiance. Dedication is demonstrated by your willingness to commit to and participate fully to a choice. This focus creates forward momentum and aligned actions. Defiance is rigid and creates inertia. Most of us serve our ideals by fits...

Self Esteem versus Martyrdom

Self esteem is the light side of martyrdom.  High self esteem affects you positively. Your ability to hold your energy at a consistent level, staying lights-on in the face of challenges, contributes to outcomes that are aligned to your values. Martyrdom is an...

Curiosity vs. Resistance

Curiosity is the light side of resistance. Curiosity as an energetic force explores the field of all possibilities, asks questions, and seeks answers which empower and direct choices.  It is a key factor contributing to creativity and flow. Resistance slows the flow...

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