by Gary | Aug 12, 2013 | Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life, Intention, Uncategorized
Last week I said that Patrick McDonnell’s comic strip should say shtop thinking negatively. Writing that blog had me pondering how much time I spend just thinking about my life – past, present and future. I am committed to deepening my self-awareness. I do wonder,...
by Gary | Jul 22, 2013 | Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life, Energy Work
My favorite author, Anne Lamont, says in her book, Travelling Mercies, Some Thoughts on Faith, “sometimes grief looks like narcolepsy”. To paraphrase – sometimes my approach to writing looks like narcolepsy. I sit down to write something intelligent with a little...
by Gary | Jun 11, 2013 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Business, Clarity in Life, Energy Work, Intention, Leadership, Uncategorized
As I was thinking about a topic for this week’s blog, two thoughts came up at the same time – kindness and politics. While this seems like an oxymoron, I contend they should always be connected. The practice of politics is not limited to the governmental activities we...
by Gary | May 17, 2012 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Clarity in Life, Energy Work, Intention, Uncategorized
You know that changing your thoughts can change your reality. I want to advance the awareness that changing your perspective can add joy to that reality. I was reminded of this perspective recently. A cool little consulting assignment I’ve had for some time changed...
by Gary | May 1, 2012 | Above the Line, Clarity in Life, Intention
Living in the present, expressing gratitude for the future, while honoring perspective from the past. This phrase literally popped into my mind recently and my first reaction was – What does it mean? Why did it suddenly appear so clearly into my brain? Cathy says...