Alignment versus Anarchy

Alignment is the light side of anarchy.  In alignment, all parties see the vision, and in their own unique way, are able to contribute creatively to the bigger picture, creating flow. Alignment is constructive. Anarchy is destructive. Anarchy in a team creates lack of...

Innovation versus Imitation

Innovation is the light side of imitation. Innovation means taking a look at a possibility with a fresh perspective and seeing a way that it can be improved upon. Imitation is repetition of old patterns. It results in a lack of creativity. An innovation is one of...

Feedback versus Gossip

Feedback is the light side of gossip.  Intra-personal feedback is a natural phenomenon. It is the human system responding to information from the environment, for example if you get cold you shiver. Likewise, inter-personal feedback works best when it mimics a natural...

Aging Reflections

I am officially beginning my eighth decade on what Cathy terms “Earth University.” After reviewing some sixteen-year-old journal notes, I realize I’ve come a long way in my personal growth and self-understanding in the last couple of decades. On the other hand, I’m...

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