Passion versus Obligation

Passion is the light side of obligation.  People who are passionate have a “want to” approach to their life and work. They are spirited and carry this inspiration into the organization. Obligation implies a “have to” approach which dulls the spirit of the...

Values Based versus Superficiality

Values based is the light side of superficiality.  Values based organizations have a deeply embedded understanding of what is important to them, and what they are willing to stand for. Superficiality appears on the surface to be value driven, but functions like...

Intuition versus Apathy

Intuition is the light side of apathy.  Intuition is a knowing, a natural response to accessing whole brain thinking. It creates a field of certainty with alertness and flow. Apathy is like operating on auto-pilot, and relying upon programmed systems for guidance....

Chaordic versus Agreement

Chaordic is the light side of agreement.  Chaos is the prelude to positive change and it precedes order. Chaordic implies relatedness, and the connection of seemingly random patterns into a system that is holistic. It is constructive. In agreement or group think,...

Abundance versus Scarcity

Abundance is the light side of scarcity. Abundance is a way of thinking that is focused on getting everything necessary to manifest a vision; knowing that there is always enough.  It is a system built upon trust, creativity, and aligned action. It creates a field of...

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