by Gary | May 18, 2015 | Clarity Words
Collaboration is the light side of competition. Collaboration uses the energy of contribution to move a system to wholeness. It signifies a team approach. Competition uses the energy of self importance and signifies an individual approach. Within organizations and...
by Gary | May 18, 2015 | Clarity Words
Contribution is the light side of passivity. Contribution is participating with ideas, actions, and solutions. Passivity is a form of resistance and withholding. Anyone who acquires more than the usual amount of knowledge concerning a subject is bound to leave it as...
by Gary | May 4, 2015 | Clarity Words
Creativity is the light side of motivation. Creativity is the first step towards transformation in systems. It is internally generated and is a spontaneous response to a natural desire to grow. It is adaptive. Motivation is externally generated and is a fearful...
by Gary | Apr 20, 2015 | Clarity Words
Alignment is the light side of anarchy. In alignment, all parties see the vision, and in their own unique way, are able to contribute creatively to the bigger picture, creating flow. Alignment is constructive. Anarchy is destructive. Anarchy in a team creates lack of...
by Gary | Apr 20, 2015 | Clarity Words
Innovation is the light side of imitation. Innovation means taking a look at a possibility with a fresh perspective and seeing a way that it can be improved upon. Imitation is repetition of old patterns. It results in a lack of creativity. An innovation is one of...