Synchronicity; Hope, Faith, Trust
Think of all the successes your life has come to know, then follow the steps backwards to the beginning. Likely, you’ll find the path sprinkled with generous amounts of synchronicity.
Think of all the successes your life has come to know, then follow the steps backwards to the beginning. Likely, you’ll find the path sprinkled with generous amounts of synchronicity.
Get Clarity encourages clients to move forward with intention. We call this progressive movement a bridge plan. It merely means thinking ahead.
Having a bridge plan means taking steps towards our vision. Bridges serve as ushers delivering us closer to our ultimate goal.
Positive self talk allows an individual to invest in their vision, their dream. Play around with these sentence starters as a way to focus the investment in yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson summed it up best, “We become what we think about all day long.” The more attention you give something, the more it grows.