The Power of Automatic Thoughts

Cognitive and behavioral science have proven that “automatic thoughts”, or involuntary and automatic responses, truly do exist. Many of the thoughts that we create are actually based on beliefs that we have about ourselves and our world, both positive and negative.

Creating Greater Self Awareness

Becoming more self aware is in part gaining an awareness of these behaviors and beliefs that operate separately from your conscious mind. To help you gain a quicker recognition and thereby consciously begin to change these, it is helpful to understand the energy patterns of light, shadow and monkey mind.

Affect World Peace By Holding Your Own Energy Field

The focus of Clarity’s blog is to provide some thoughtful ideas about how each of us can discover and achieve our destiny. In a past issue, we highlighted the power of holding your own personal energy field in achieving the vision you want for your life. Following is...

The Three Energy Fields

It seems that so much in the world today works to drain our energy. But recognizing and understanding the energy fields that surround us can help you maintain a positive energy flow. There are three areas of energy: remote, near and personal.

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