Courage versus Denial

Courage is the light side of denial.  It takes courage and honesty to look at the difficult patterns of your own behavior and even more courage to go into action to correct your course. Denial is like “sticking your head in the sand” and results in stagnation. We must...

Compassion versus Suspicion

Compassion is the light side of suspicion.  Compassion means having an open heartedness. There is an absence of judgment or criticism, and a presence which accepts differences. A compassionate viewpoint focuses upon looking for “what works here; what doesn’t work...

Chaordic versus Agreement

Chaordic is the light side of agreement.  Chaos is the prelude to positive change and it precedes order. Chaordic implies relatedness, and the connection of seemingly random patterns into a system that is holistic. It is constructive. In agreement or group think,...

Contribution versus Passivity

Contribution is the light side of passivity.  Contribution is participating with ideas, actions, and solutions. Passivity is a form of resistance and withholding. Anyone who acquires more than the usual amount of knowledge concerning a subject is bound to leave it as...

Visionary versus Assuming

Visionary is the light side of assumption. Being visionary is seeing a situation from the perspective of the field of all possibility. It is a skill called 360°awareness, which enables you to grasp the over all context of a situation. Assumption implies that you know...

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